How to set the right click function in Raspberry Pi(Capacitive touch screen)

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1. Install the dependency library and run the following command in the Raspberry OS terminal command line window:

  sudo apt install build-essential libevdev2 libevdev-dev -y     

2. Install the software and run the following command:

  sudo tar -zxvf evdev-right-click-emulation.tar.gz
  cd evdev-right-click-emulation
  sudo make all
  sudo install out/evdev-rce /usr/local/bin

3. Set the startup
1) Run the following command to open /etc/rc.local

   sudo nano /etc/rc.local

2) Add the following content to the front of 'exit 0':

   sudo LONG_CLICK_INTERVAL=1000 LONG_CLICK_FUZZ=200 evdev-rce &


3)按 Ctrl+X 键,退出;按 Y 键,确认保存;按 Enter 键,确认保存文件名;

4)重启后, 就可以长按触发右键功能了。

 sudo reboot